With this film I’ll be trying to make the documentary process more transparent. My goal is to get feedback from as many people as I can in the crafting of this video. I’m trying to gather a crowd sourced test audience to help guide me through the important issues around this topic. By uploading unedited videos of interviews, videos from workshops and videos from hearings shortly after I tape them I hope to start a discussion about the direction this documentary takes while as it's being made.
As the project progresses I will be posting rough edits for comments and suggestions that will lead me to make more informed editing decisions and help me tell a complete story.
"Face to Face with Workplace Bullying"
Workplace bullying targets share their stories as part of an anti workplace bullying exhibit at the Massachusetts State House.
April 11, 2016. Torii Bottomley
Anti-workplace bullying advocate Torii Bottomley created the exhibit "Massachusetts Face Workplace Bullying" to start conversations about workplace bullying.
January 21, 2016. Robbin Miller shares her story about being bullied at work and the negative impact that having been a target of workplace bullying has had on her personal finances, family and career.
December 16, 2015 Greg Sorozan, President SEIU/NAGE Local 282 and co-state coordinator for Healthy Workplace Bill, shares his experience of being bullied at a previous job and how anti-bullying policies in the union contracts have saved the state of Massachusetts tens of millions of dollars.
December 16, 2015 State Rep Ellen Story talks about why she sponsored the Healthy Workplace Bill and why she feels so strongly about the topic.
December 3, 2015 State Senator Will Brownsberger shares frank insights about the lawmaking process.
Oct 23, 2015 Carol Geary's powerful presentation at the Workplace Bullying Workshop. She talks about her current anti-bullying work and the impact that having been a target of workplace bullying has had on her life, family and career.
SEIU/NAGE Local 282
Board of Advisors
David Yamada
Professor of Law and founding Director of the
New Workplace Institute
at Suffolk University
Law School
Greg Sorozan
SEIU/NAGE Local 282
Debra Falzoi
Marketing Director for the
Massachusetts Healthy Workplace Bill